Picture this: Writers working with artists like Michelle

All artwork in this article by Michelle Walls

As a registered Control Freak, I have always taken on the design duties for my book covers. This was a slow learning curve for me, becoming proficient in tools such as Adobe PhotoShop and Daz Studio for creating and posing figures.

More recently, though, I have found a wealth of AI-generated images available on the internet, and guess what? They can be used to make really good, impactful covers. I composed some covers for forthcoming books and was very pleased with the results.

But something inside of me was not happy.

When I create a fictional character in my stories, they are composed of words formed by me, a live (albeit pretty weird) human being. My writing, my characters, carry the touch of my own soul with them. Anything in the field of creative art should come from a human soul.

Don’t get me wrong here. I really believe there is a place for AI to truly help humanity, AI can solve problems, find cures, and do all sorts of stuff. I even use the occasional AI picture to go with blog articles (it’s cheaper!!) But there is a point where AI limits us. Crushes us.

So I decided to reach out and engage a living, human artist to do some character sketches for me. I’d never done this before though, so even thinking about it took me outside of my comfort zone. Plus … Control Freak, remember?

To that end, working with Michelle Walls is a delight. She takes on each character as a challenge, producing something to my specification and, at the same time, something which is different and more exciting. She produces a rough ‘ideas’ sketch first, and then a full draft version for me to comment on (so, yeah, I still have that feeling of control, even if it is buried way under the fantastic skills of another creative).  She has so far produced a number of characters from my Forgotten Wings series.

Now I have her helping me with one of my next book projects, a collection of short stories, which follows on from Arrows at the Rainbow, entitled One Beautiful People.